June 24, 2013

Garden Party with Outside, At Home

Just a few new things happening in the flower department...

A friend gave me about 3 spiderwort flowers last year and they have taken hold and multiplied! If you'd like to know why an enzyme in the flower lead to it also being called "cow slobber" and how it can be used as an indicator or radiation leaks, check out the link!

My lovely neighbour planted some wild roses near our shared fence and this is the first year we see some. I have a recipe for wild rose ice cream - too bad I don't eat dairy!


  1. You are so cool, Rachelle. We picked up our first food box with your little farm yesterday. So good. I love the wild roses!

  2. hehe, thanks Mary! Glad you like the farm basket. I was so pumped that the broccoli was ready in time for the first one!
