September 12, 2012


This weekend I womanned the market stall for Our Little Farm's stand at their farm open house (part of the Union des Producteurs Agricoles' annual Portes Ouvertes day all across Quebec). It was the first time I'd ever sold our veggies and I have to say that it gave me an amazing high that lasted for two days!

It was fun seeing our vegetables appreciated and going home with people for dinner, as well as talking recipes and introducing some people to new vegetables (like kale and rabiole - two of our best loved products for those who know them!).

Speaking of foods, I've been hearing about groundcherries for several years but had never seen or tasted them. As it turns out, part of the land we were working at the farm this year had been overun with the cherries last year, so removing them was part of our weeding ritual in the basil batch. Of course I had to take a few of the "weeds" home with me and put them in the garden.

The little yellow flowers become cherries that are covered in a thin papery husk that reminds me of chinese lanterns. When they are ripe, they dry and drop to the ground.

Some people L-O-V-E them, while others are of the opinion that they taste rather like vomit...
It turns out they do taste a bit like vomit to me, and a bit like tomato and purple fruit juice mixed together. I can't say I am a fan but I'm glad to have tried them out!

Does anyone out there actually like them? I can give you a couple plants next year if these ones self seed!

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