September 7, 2013

Why Blogging is Fun

Sometimes I think I will stop blogging, but there are lots of good reasons that keep me at it, even if at times sporadically. 

I initially took up blogging as an outlet for my enthusiasm regarding all things DIY, especially gardening, knitting and food preservation. I was hoping to connect with others online and make new friends, and hoping some of what I learned could be useful to others too. I was inspired by so many great blogs (see my blogroll to the right) that I love to read. I also liked that blogging would keep me in the habit of writing, something I always wish I could do more of.

I still blog for all these reasons, and I have since discovered how useful blogging is for keeping a record for myself. Often I'll go back to see how I preserved something last year, or what time of year I planted or harvested something. It's nice to have notes for changes or issues to sewing and knitting patterns too.

One of the things I wish happened more is connecting with others (that'd be you, dear reader!). I don't get many comments or have many conversations through this blog. One of my most consistent connections is Outside, At Home - a lovely sister duo that blogs about gardening and other DIY projects. Other than delicious looking veggie and flower gardens, I love seeing Mary Mary's skills at flower and plant arranging - bouquets and planters both, and Miss Greenish Thumb's sewing creations.

This summer Outside, At Home hosted a contest, with anyone linking up their garden posts to their weekly post being entered to win a gardening book. And guess who the lucky winner is - yep, I won! The ladies thoughtfully gave me a choice of gift and while all the books look amazing (and I can already recommend Second Nature by Michael Pollen first-hand) I opted for Groundbreaking Food Gardens, by Niki Jabbour of The Year Round Veggie Gardener.

I'm looking forward to reading this book and I am feeling grateful for fun times and friends in the blogosphere!


  1. Rachelle! I only just now read this blog post. It's kinda sad that we stopped our blog soon after, eh. Hope to still stay connected! It's also funny that we both wrote "why I blog" posts this fall too. Keep writing, blogging, crafting, cooking, gardening... it's so life-giving, eh.

  2. Thanks Mary. Outside at Home will be missed but there are still your other blogs to stay in touch, and I enjoyed all of the connections we made over the course of OaH. :)
