November 25, 2012


This recipe comes from a friend who got it from her boss on a farm in St-Mathieu-de-Rioux. JF and I tried it when we road-tripped out to visit them, and we liked it so much we asked for the recipe. This introduced me to nutritional yeast aka "nooch", which is really handy to have around, especially for vegan recipes where it can fill in for cheese or eggs.

So without further ado, here's the recipe for Végépaté, in English and en francais. It's delicious on bread or crackers, or in a sandwich with lettuce and tomato!

Végépaté, already half eaten!

Ingredients :
·         1 cup of ground sunflower seeds (I use my blender) 
·         ½ cup of flower (buckwheat flour adds to the nutty taste)
·         ½ cup nutritional yeast (I use flaked but the recipe might call for powdered and I just don't know it!)
·         1 finely diced onion
·         1 grated potato
·         1 grated carrot
·         2 tablespoon of lemon juice
·         ½ cup of butter or oil
·         1 ½ cups of hot water
·         salt, pepper and seasonings to taste (ie. garlic, thyme, basil) 
Preparation :
Mix all ingredients and put into an ovensafe casserole dish (around 12" x 8"). Cook for 1 hour at 350F.

Ingrédients :
·         1 tasse de graines de tournesol moulues
·         ½ tasse de farine 
·         ½ tasse de levure alimentaire
·         1 oignon haché finement
·         1 patate crue râpée
·         1 carotte crue râpée
·         2 c. à table de jus de citron`
·         ½ tasse de beurre ou huile
·         1 ½ tasse d’eau chaude
·         sel, poivre et autres assaisonnements (i.e. thym, ail, basilic)
Préparation :
Mélanger tous les ingrédients et mettre dans un plat allant au four (12 po X 8 po environ).  Cuire 1 heure à 350 F
Idéal en sandwich ou peut être servi sur un lit de laitue comme entrée.

Bon appétit!

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